Rabu, 10 Desember 2008
Audition, School Test, and Cellphone
I have no idea why I attended it. And I have never expect to be one part of it movie.
but, hell, I got an information from Liyana just yesterday that I passed the audition. (in monday, I have to attend the 2nd period audition, I wish that I will not pass it, but I'll feel guilty to my theater club if I dont do my best)
Movie scenes will take on December 22 for half month maybe, whereas, on december 26 I have to go for 4 days theater camping (FKR event).
And these weeks, I'm having very annoying school test! I hate test. It will be over on december 16.
5 days left... and, wtf! I got 6 for my PKN test.. yeah, remidial is calling.
I feel no doubt that I'll take math, physics, sociology, biology, and chemistry remidial test too.
I feel so stupid and lazy and suck and dumb and bla bla bla
what I do during test week:
play video games, networking, turn the dvd on and watch it til I dont know what time is it.
then, If I feel had enough good time, I start open my test subject book while lie my body on the bed.
5 minutes later I fall asleep. In the morning, if I have a chance to read the book, I'll read it. Almost everyday I do the same way. Poor.
today, I feel really need to have cellphone! (just then I realized how important it is, infact, I lost mine about 2 weeks ago) Well, I have one really-sucks-cdma-cellphone. But it doesnt work as good as my old gsm phone. just in some (lucky) times you will be able to call it or send it a message. And it battery is really suck that every 5 hours I have to charge it. whereas, so many things I have to do with it.
a weeks ago, someone told me that she would buy me a new one. In saturday, I called her to make sure that she really would buy me new one. She said yes, but not in this earlier. Until this day, I havent accept it yet. I wish I'll get it in saturday this week.
nowadays cellphone is like part of our self.
seems like it is the busiest month of this whole year.
Selasa, 09 Desember 2008
Actually, I Don't Know What to Post
Krimea Medicine Womanis that poem or what?
oh, my dear Stevoslava
You got your Nightangale hand
back to the Krimea peninsula
I'm hundreds miles in Novgorod land
I was your only lover dear
some time soon december 26 to leave
these are thousands time plead
replication always be the same
as much as you give me love
as much as I will be bereaved
definetely I regret things
can you hear my cry oh, stevoslava
haha, whatever. I love to write
after listened to one of russian singer song, I feel like to write poem about russian girl, named Stevoslava. Stevoslava is just a fictive character, she is a medicine woman in Krimea.
Jumat, 05 Desember 2008
I Miss My Childhood
when people love me the way I am without demand me to be something
when my family was the most lovable family
when I and my big family were going well
then, I'll show you some of my big family'c pics

that white dressed is my cousin, mbak putri
and 2 boys behind are mas kiki, and mas adit (mbak putri's siblings)
She is now living in Semarang with her parents
School : SMA N 1 Semarang class of 2009
favorite : ice cream
she is person who teach me to read manga
my favorite childhood story with her:
we went to java mall (one of malls in semarang), just two of us. We carried 5000 rupiah in our pocket, we weren't taking a bath yet. My auntie were so panic. She thought that we were kidnapped. She almost called police, but then we come on time.
I love spent most of my childhood with her.
Mas Kiki
He is now living in Semarang still with his parents, study at UNDIP
he is so big, haha. At high school his weight was more than hundred kilos.
but now he is skinnier 20 kilos
Mas Adit
He is now living in Bandung, study at Telkom
he is a big nice brother.
he'll marry in two years from now

do you believe that this pic was taken in singapore ? I don't belive. I feel like never go to singapore.
I'm in that (micro)mini dress, in the middle is dek yudi (my cousin), and in the right side is my bro, tikam
He is now living in Bandung, study at ITB
He is the smart school guy. Yeah!
He loves to play PS, but his brain isn't damaged like mine.
I live together with him for a year. (in 1996) and so many experiences that we had through together :)
School : some junior hi school in Balikpapan class of 2009
he is so cute, and I love him, really.
He likes to play PS just like his brother.
We had many wonderful holidays together...
He passed away in 1999. He was smart and kind and wise man. I love him. And I believe that he loved me too. I miss him so muuuuch! I live together with him in 1996.
and my other grandpa, Eyang Kakung Nggajah. (I couldn't find any pic of him in my pc)
he is a succesful businessman, and he loved to buy me many things, he was the first person who bought me a video game (Super Nintendo and PS1), and barbie dolls, and teddy bear dolls, and many jewelries, and many branded clothes, and many other good things. I love him!
If he still alive, maybe he'll buy me xbox 360 : D
I don't mind if I can back to the past.
I miss them, I miss these all.
Kamis, 04 Desember 2008
I Love Music
I listen to alesana, but also jason mraz and jammie cullum.
even tho everyone says, "that's w*ore's music", "that's so gay" but I love music just the way it is, not the way people say.
I love music, it doesn't mean that I know all musicians or bands from Sabang to Merauke, from Norway to Spain
i just hear what i wanna hear
I love music, it doesn't mean that I learn a-z about it.
i just play what i wanna play, i dont care about it roots

I currently listening to NeverShoutNever!, even tho everybody says that he is nothing, but trashy musician.
i like his song titled 30 days.
at first it sounds like xmas song, but it's love song.
I hear it again and again because it music is really great for me
so, dont be shame to hear your favorite music.
doesn't matter if it's so yesterday or so 'alay', but it means you like yourself the way you are.
Rabu, 03 Desember 2008
10 Things That Make Me Feel Better
Berbincang dengan teman atau bahkan bukan teman adalah hal sangat menyenangkan bagi saya. Selain dapat menumpahkan rasa sedih, juga dapat mengalihkan topik dan sejenak lupa terhadap masalah. Namun di beberapa situasi, mengobrol malah dapat membuat kondisi semakin buruk
2. Eat
I love to eat! Yeah! (that’s the reason why i become fatter day by day, because almost every minutes of my day I feel bad :-O )
Saya suka makan, terutama yang manis (dan yang gurih juga). Selera saya seperti kebanyakan orang Indonesia: rasanya harus tegas dan nyengat. Kalo manis ya manis, kalo asin ya asin, jangan nanggung. Makanan yang paling saya suka saat sedang bad mood:
-Es krim. Cone or popsicle, i love both. Bahkan saya juga suka mengkonsumsi es tung tung, es goreng, es lilin, es gabus, dan es serut (selain mudah didapat, membuat es serut sangatlah gampang). Padahal semua itu bukan jenis es krim.
-keripik kentang. Rasa gurih di lidah membuat ingin mengunyah dan mengunyah terus. Apalagi saat mengkonsumsi kerepek kentang, saya pasti ingin nonton film atau tv, atau sekadar membaca, sehingga kadang lupa akan masalah
-chocolate. I love sweet things. Saya suka semua coklat. Bahkan coklat merek Jago pun saya suka, walaupun saya sering diejek selera rendah, but whatever. (kadang rasa minyak pada coklat cap jago membuat sedikit mual, namun saya tetap suka... selain murah juga mudah didapat)
-fruit. Saya suka segala macam buah. Namun lebih suka jika sudah berupa jus. (praktis lebih menyenangkan)
3. Cook
Baru baru ini saya jadi suka masak. Ngga tau kenapa. Walaupun hasil masakan saya tidak begitu enak dan tidak begitu mbentuk, tapi proses pembuatannya membuat saya senang (mengiris, memukul, meremas). Kadang, saya pun tidak doyan memakan hasil masakan saya sendiri. Dan akhirnya saya bagikan masakan itu pada orang rumah saya. (kecuali bapak saya, karena dia suka mengejek, “opo iki ?” / ”mau ngeracun?” dan malah menasehati “gini lo cara masak yang benar...” lalu dia memberitahu segala macam bahan masakan beserta kandungannya dan cara memasaknya secara panjang lebar sehingga mengabiskan waktu saya )
4. Write
Write in journal book if I really cant do anything else. Setidaknya bisa menuangkan masalah dan membacanya (malah membuat semakin teringat pada masalah dan biasanya hingga menangis, jika sudah menangis saya sedikit lega)
5. Mandi
Saya sebetulnya adalah tipe yang malas bebersih. Namun jika pikiran saya sudah panas, saya segera mandi. Saat mandi, saya suka memikirkan hal lain sehingga kadang lupa terhadap masalah. Kadang jika mandinya terlalu malam, saya suka memikirkan hal yang seram (seperti pocong, dan hantu lainnya) sehingga sedikit lupa pada masalah dan memikirkan hal seram tersebut.
6. Main game
Main game ps, pc, or even game di hp. Kadang sedikit membantu. Carilah game yang menantang yang perlu berpikir, sehingga pikiran kita akan terpusat pada game tersebut.
7. Go out for fresh air
Jalan jalan keluar. Kadang saya suka hanya jalan jalan ke belakang rumah, melihat lihat pohon (jika sedang berbuah, saya juga memetiknya). Bersepeda keliling kompleks rumah juga sangat menyenangkan, selain sehat, kita dapat menyapa tetangga.
8. Bercermin
Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful girl in the world ? absolutely you, dear sekar. Saya senang bercermin dan tersenyum pada bayangan. Kadang saya sering mengobrol dengan bayangan saya. Sangat menyenangkan. Bertanya pada diri sendiri, dan menjawabnya sendiri. Kadang saya suka membuat sandiwara antara saya dan bayangan. (there’s something between me, reflection, and the mirror)
9. Sing loudly
Jika sedang sedih, saya akan menghindari lagu lagu melankolis. Saya lebih suka lagu dengan tempo beat cepat. Dan saya akan menyanyikannya sesuka hati saya tanpa memikirkan sumbangnya suara saya. Who cares?
10. seclude, cry to sleep
Saya suka merenung sendiri. Diam saja tanpa peduli sekitar. Tanpa memikirkan sesuatu. Kadang berdoa pada Tuhan, dan meminta bantuannya jika benar benar tak tau apa yang selanjutnya harus dilakukan. Jika rasa sedih sama sekali tidak bisa hilang saya senang sekali menangis di kamar terkunci dengan suara rendah ( i dont want anyone notice me cry), hingga tenaga saya habis dan membuat saya tertidur. Carilah waktu yang tepat untuk bangun. Saya paling benci bangun di pagi harinya dengan mata bengkak dan harus pergi sekolah. Mata pedih membuat ingin bolos sekolah.