I have a lot of 'I really want it!' things. These are the top 6:
1. Luxury SUV car: Volvo XC90 (or aston martin car :D)
Saya akan menjadi orang pengendara mobil terkeren di sepanjang ringroad utara sampai selatan Jogja jika memiliki volvo xc90 ini, atau aston martin. Saya ingin!
2. Luxury house in Park Avenue, NYCI wanna live in another place (another country). And in luxury one. My only aspiration is being rich!
3. My own SLR cam (canon EOS 5d)
I wish it will be my 16th birthday present, amin!

4. Apple products
I want iPod video classic/touch, iPhone, McBook air, Apple TV, or even iMac
5. xbox 360Sepertinya ngga ada yang mau membelikanku sebuah kotak permainan macam xbox yang mahal ini.
6. tons of häagen-dazsi love ice cream : D (that's why I'm fat)
such a greedy wishes, huh ?
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